Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nathan's Newborn Shoot

Last week  I got to do another sweet little newborn's photos.  Nathan was five days old when I did this shoot at his home and it was such a sweet little guy.  Big Brother Nicholas immediately took to me and was so much fun to photograph.  I love meeting new families and friends though this great job!  Enjoy Baby Nathan... 



Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ellie's Six Month Pictures

Last weekend I took Ellie's 6 Month Photos.  Sweet, little Ellie was just not in the mood to be photographed, or smile much at all during our session... that little stinker.... However, despite Ellie's mood that evening, I was still able to capture some sweet smiles from her and from looking at the pictures from her shoot... you would never know any different! 

And.... a couple of her not-so-happy times during the shoot  :-)